Source Insight - Trace Code的神兵利器
先進入options->Document options
a. 先打勾Expand tabs
b. 裡面的editing options群組有 Tab width
在Options->Document Options裡面,點左上的Document Type下拉選單,選擇x86 Asm Source File,然後在右邊的File filter裡*.asm;*.inc;的後面加上*.s;接著CLOSE就可以了。上面兩個問題解決了,但注意加入*.s後還需要重新ADD TREE一遍才能把這些匯編加到PROJECT裡面。
options->Document options, 將Margin width 設成你希望的最大寬度,他會在螢幕上劃一條灰線,那行就是你的設定寬度,如此ㄧ來在影印的時候才不會亂掉.
options->Document options 裡面的 "Auto Indent..."按鈕, 將裡面 Indent Open Brace,Indent Close Brace取消.
options->Key Assignments, 裡面在command鍵入
Navigation: Scroll Half Page Down
Navigation: Scroll Half Page Up
Navigation: Function Down
Navigation: Function Up
a. 可以直接選擇 View->Draft View 那保證對齊,
b. 要不然就是options->Document options裡面的"Screen Fonts"按鈕, 選擇Courier New字型.(利用寬字元的方式)
F1 copy
F2 bookmark
F3 search Forward
s-F3 find prev
F4 prev link
F5 next link
s-F5 jump to link (在 source code / search result 之間切換)
F6 highlight word
c-s-F6 clear all lighlight word
F7 compiler the file
c-F7 project make
F8 (prev relation)
a-F8 Context window (on off)
F9 (next relation) Activate relation window
a-F9 relation window (on off)
F10 Last Window
a-F10 zoom window
F11 select word
s-F11 comment (但須加入 comment.em 於 base.pr)
F12 Activate Window Menu
s-F12 un-comment (但須加入 comment.em 於 base.pr)
Search: Search... : Ctrl+F
Search: Search Forward : F3
Search: Search Backward : Shift+F3
Navigation: Go To Previous Link : F4
Navigation: Go To Next Link : F5
Navigation: Function Down : Alt+PgDn (goto next func)
Navigation: Function Up : Alt+PgUp (goto prev func)
Navigation: Go Forward : Alt+., Thumb 2 Click
Navigation: Go Back : Alt+,, Thumb 1 Click
Navigation: Go Back Toggle : Alt+M
Navigation: Activate Relation Window : F9
View: Relation Window : Alt+F9
Macro: myRelWnd : Ctrl+/, Ctrl+\
Symbol: Browse Local File Symbols... : Alt+J
Symbol: Browse Project Symbols... : Alt+K
( Navigation: Activate Symbol Window = browse only displayed local symbol )
View: Context Window : Alt+F8
Navigation: Activate Clip Window : Alt+D
Symbol: Lookup References... : Alt+R (配合 F4/F5/Alt+;)
Symbol: Jump To Definition : Alt+=, Ctrl+Double L Click
Symbol: Jump To Prototype... : Alt+-
Symbol: Symbol Info... : Alt+I, Ctrl+R Click (select)
Navigation: Jump To Match : Alt+]
Navigation: Select Match : Alt+Shift+}
Navigation: Make Column Selection : Alt + mouse L Click
Edit: Copy Line : Alt+L, Alt+F11, Ctrl+Shift+Up
----------------- Font/Color
. 某些字型粗體字(如highlight時)會比非粗體字更寬(變成不是所有字等寬) , 以下任一解法皆可 :
1. 非粗體字font size=10, 粗體字時選用 font size=9
2. 將粗體字 scale 設為 90%
. 字集選 "西歐" 則 cursor 可穿入中文字
選 "BIG5" 則不可穿入中文字 (但仍須移兩次 cursor, 修改時反而造成困擾)
. 以下所列字形均為 每個字元皆同寬度
----- normal view of '\' :
細明體 (font size 10 in 1024*768) -- 小寬度,(大高度),粗體字寬度加大
Courier New (font size 10 in 1024*768) -- 大寬度,(小高度),粗體字寬度不變
----- good but '\' :
MS Mincho
MS Gothic
----- extern font (normal '\') :
# new language (ex: My txt)
. 勿勾選 "Use Syntax Formatting", 否則某些中文字會變亂碼
. 欲讓某些字有顏色, 可加入keyword ('.', '#' 等亦可)
亦可加入 Custom Parsing, ex: \([\w]*\. \)
----------------- Associate File
如何在檔案總管 .h .cpp 按 Enter 即以 source insight 開啟該檔 :
C:\Program Files\Source Insight 3\insight3.exe -i "%1"
但按 Enter 在 insight 中該檔路徑為 xxx~1, 用拖拉的才顯示完整路徑
New: You can force Source Insight to use a folder other than “My Documents\Source Insight”
as your user data folder. Add the following registry string value:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Source Dynamics\Source Insight\3.0\Paths\UserDataDir
Set the string value to the path of the folder you want to use.
The folder must already exist and you must have file write and create permissions in that folder.