先參考 這篇Android 的 uid 了解概念,再來是系統預設的 uid list,實際上是定義在
包括 root, system, :
#define AID_ROOT 0 /* traditional unix root user */
#define AID_SYSTEM 1000 /* system server */
#define AID_RADIO 1001 /* telephony subsystem, RIL */
#define AID_BLUETOOTH 1002 /* bluetooth subsystem */
#define AID_GRAPHICS 1003 /* graphics devices */
#define AID_INPUT 1004 /* input devices */
#define AID_AUDIO 1005 /* audio devices */
#define AID_CAMERA 1006 /* camera devices */
#define AID_LOG 1007 /* log devices */
#define AID_COMPASS 1008 /* compass device */
#define AID_MOUNT 1009 /* mountd socket */
#define AID_WIFI 1010 /* wifi subsystem */
#define AID_ADB 1011 /* android debug bridge (adbd) */
#define AID_INSTALL 1012 /* group for installing packages */
#define AID_MEDIA 1013 /* mediaserver process */
#define AID_DHCP 1014 /* dhcp client */
#define AID_SDCARD_RW 1015 /* external storage write access */
#define AID_VPN 1016 /* vpn system */
#define AID_KEYSTORE 1017 /* keystore subsystem */
#define AID_FM_RADIO 1018 /* FM radio */
#define AID_SHELL 2000 /* adb and debug shell user */
#define AID_CACHE 2001 /* cache access */
#define AID_DIAG 2002 /* access to diagnostic resources */
/* The 3000 series are intended for use as supplemental group id's only.
* They indicate special Android capabilities that the kernel is aware of. */
#define AID_NET_BT_ADMIN 3001 /* bluetooth: create any socket */
#define AID_NET_BT 3002 /* bluetooth: create sco, rfcomm or l2cap sockets */
#define AID_INET 3003 /* can create AF_INET and AF_INET6 sockets */
#define AID_NET_RAW 3004 /* can create raw INET sockets */
#define AID_NET_ADMIN 3005 /* can configure interfaces and routing tables. */
#define AID_QCOM_ONCRPC 3006 /* can read/write /dev/oncrpc/* files .*/
#define AID_MISC 9998 /* access to misc storage */
#define AID_NOBODY 9999
#define AID_APP 10000 /* first app user */